Diamond Brown

Director of Educational Services

M.Ed. Counselor Education, Clemson University

B.S. Exercise Science, Campbell University


Diamond Brown rejoined the Florida State SAAS Department in December 2021. She currently serves as the Director of Educational Services.  

Her duties include oversight of the educational services program, which encompasses learning specialists, tutoring, and academic mentoring. Prior to joining the FSU Student-Athlete Academic Services (SAAS) staff, Diamond served as the Assistant Director of Learning Resources at the University of Washington; as well as previous stints at Florida State and Clemson. She has worked as a learning specialist with a variety of sports including football, men’s basketball, men’s rowing, men’s soccer, men’s baseball, men’s and women’s track and field/cross country, women’s golf, volleyball and beach volleyball.

Brown is an active member of the National Association of Athletic Advisors (N4A); where she was one of the recipients of the 2021 Kenneth Miles Professional Promise Award. She is a native of Charlotte, North Carolina.